Do you have any other tips on how to ensure security of my personal data and account information?
  1. Do not share your account information.

Never ever share your account information with others, including your username, password, phone number and email address. That information should be private to you and you only. Securing your personal information can help you prevent identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone gains access to your personal information and pretends to be you online. You are responsible for any actions taken on your account. 

  1. No account sharing.

The only person who should have access to your account is yourself. Lots of shared accounts get suspended for allied damage, rule violations, contested ownership, account selling, etc. Those with whom you share the account may not be as vigilant and careful as you. 

  1. Make sure your personal information is true and valid. 

You are required to verify your phone number and email address once you have completed registering your account. Please note that this phone number and email address will also be used to contact you and deliver important messages from us, please keep it active.

  1. Choose a strong password.

Good passwords are long, complex, and hard to guess. A combination of letters, numbers and capitalization make sure that your account is safer. Do make your password hard to guess even if someone knows a lot about you. We recommend that you change your account password frequently.

  1. Do not provide or share your deposit slip to others. 

The main one to take note of here. Some members may deposit using a cash out number that does not belong to them or ask someone else to help them deposit into their account. We do not encourage you to do so as this will put your account and your money at risk. 

  1. Clear your browser’s cache

Web pages that you have viewed from the Internet can reside on a computer as ‘cache’ files. These ‘cache’ files can retain images of data sent or received over the Internet, making them a potential target for a system intruder. Therefore, we strongly advise that you clear your browser’s disk cache after each Internet session. Click here to learn more.

  1. Always report suspicious activity

If you suspect that your account has been accessed by unauthorized persons, please change your password, check your transaction and banking amount. Should there be any suspicious transactions or errors, notify us immediately via Live Chat or drop us an email at


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